industrial annandale
Ferris street.
Ferris St was one of the earliest streets to be developed west of Johnson St with a reasonable number of Sands listings by the early 1890s. While principally residential, it has several interesting old shops.

No. 122 SW Cnr Reserve Street
This small building was constructed on the corner of Reserve Street in the late 1880’s or early 1890’s. It is possible that the current facade (typical of a small store) was added shortly afterwards.
Elizabeth Jarman (married to Henry, a quarryman) established a grocery on the site in 1892 and ran the store until about 1910 when Miss Eliza Tanner bought the business. The Tanner family ran the grocery until the early 1930’s (they seem to have returned briefly in the 1940’s).
A grocery continued to occupy the site into at least the 1950’s.
No. 110
The building currently at this address was probably built in the late 1890’s as a residence. For many years it was occupied by a Senior Constable TJD Havens.
However, from 1932 (possibly prompted by the Great Depression) a series of businesses were conducted at the site. A Gammell operated a ham and beef business here from about 1932. By 1935 Frederick Fiven had established a lending library.
T Pratt ran a mixed business on the site from the early 1940’s and into the 1950’s, presumably in close competition with the grocery at No. 122 several doors away.